What are you most passionate about? Take time to think about your passion(s). Then share it with the world via social media. Make sure you hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth when you post it.
Set aside some time to take a hike or long walk. This can help you clear your mind and get clarity on important issues. Take a picture of your scenery then post it on your social media sites with the hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.
Values dictate actions. Post your TOP 5 values on all of your social media outlets and hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth
Time to make that investment. Spend at least one hour hanging out and having INTENTIONAL conversation with another male(s). Be intentional about the activities that you all do as well. Take a picture of you and the other male(s) enjoying your time together. Then post it to your social media sites (Facebook, IG, Twitter, etc) with the hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.
Stand in the mirror and encourage yourself today! Say: “I am strong. I am great. I am smart. I am a winner. I am alive.” Feel free to add your own. Take a picture of yourself in the mirror. Then post it to your social media sites(Facebook, IG, Twitter, etc) with THE ENCOURAGING WORDS THAT YOU SAID and the hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth
Forgiveness is not just freeing for the forgiven, but it is also freeing for the forgiver. Find someone who has done you wrong and forgive them. Make a video sharing the name of the person you forgave and how it made you feel afterwards. Then post it to your social media sites (Facebook, IG, Twitter, etc) with the hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.
Write down (not type) a list of the names of the people in your life that YOU appreciate. Take a picture of your list, then post it to your social media sites (Facebook, IG, Twitter, etc) with the hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.
Every time you have a chance to hold the door open for someone… DO IT! Take a selfie of you holding a door open. Then post it to your social media sites (Facebook, IG, Twitter, etc) with the hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth
Take a picture of or with a man that you desire to be like and have characteristics like. Write out these characteristics. Then post it to your social media sites (Facebook, IG, Twitter, etc) with the hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.
What is YOUR definition of a man? Make a video of yourself sharing your definition of what a man is and post it on social media, challenging others to do the same. Be sure to use the hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.