Manhood Awareness Month Daily Challenges

Remember Me Day

When your time is up on this earth, what do you want to be remembered for? Create a video sharing what you want to be remembered for and post it on social media. Make sure you hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.

Bridge The Gap Day

Have a conversation with an older, wiser man. Listen to his story and advice. Take a picture with or of the gentleman that you had the conversation with, and then post it on social media. Along with the post, share with the world what you learned today. Make sure you hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.

Say I Love You Day

Most men don’t hear “I Love You” very often coming from another man. Today is the day that we start something new. Identify a male family member (older or younger) that you have never said “I Love You” to or haven’t said it in a long time. Once you identify him, say those three powerful words to him. Share on social media how it made you feel to say those words and how it was received by the other male. Make sure you hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth

Greatest Loss Day

We all have a loss that we’ve encountered that has been tougher to deal with than our other losses. Make a video of you sharing about your greatest loss and how you recovered from it. Then post it on social media and make sure you hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.

Prioritize Your Life Day

Do what needs to be done now, so you can do what you want to do later.  Write your top 5 priorities at the moment and post them on social media. Hashtag #ManhhodAwarenessMonth.

Random Act of Kindness Day

Kindness is key. Do something kind for 5 people throughout the day. Let us know what you did by posting it on your social media and hashtag #ManhoodAwarenessMonth.

Join the Manhood Awareness Movement

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Copyright 2019 – R.E.A.L. Manhood 101 Leadership Summit & College Day – Hand-crafted by Sargent Branding